PPE industries together against Corona

CAMORAK s.r.l.
General information
Company name
CAMORAK s.r.l.
VAT number
IT 0200067120
Complete address
Via della Tecnica, 73-40068, San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)
Contact Person
Name Surname
Adriana Carloni
Business Development Coordinator
E-mail address
Phone - Mobile Phone
Added Information
Company dimension
Year of foundation
N. employees (last year)
Manufacturing category
Indicate the present manufacturing category which the company belongs to
  • Cosmetics
Please indicate the products that the Company offers linked to COVID19 emergency
  • Hygiene, disinfectants and detergents
Brief Description of the Company (sector/target market/main products-services)
Camorak has been serving customers for over SO years as contract manufacturer. lt offers research and formulation development of originai and quality products, tailor-made, supplying a full service: from the formula to the choice of packaging, from communication-graphics to legislative documentation. lt also proposes the possibility to choose lines already finalized, to be customized with the customer's brand and far which it guarantees tactical and strategie support (Pret à Porter). Far an even more complete service Camorak can proceed, upon request, to carry out a market analysis, preliminary to the project. lt has always been a partner of those who choose it to be an important lever in the development and growth of the business.
Strengths and innovation of your compaby/products. If your offer have quality standards
Camorak produces different types of cosmetics: natural without parabens, paraffins, silicones and minerai oils; certified organic and performing cosmeceuticals. Camorak has prestigious clients in ltaly and abroad of various categories, from pharmacy groups, to oil mills, from wineries to spas. Since 2002 Camorak also manufactures and sells its certified organic AIAB cosmetics: PuraVida 810, co-branded with Alce Nero, from which it purchases raw materials and transforms them into organic liquifieds. The food actives, which are the basis of our creams, are extracted through patented enzymatic or fermentative processes. For more information: camorak.com; puravidabio.it
Description of the company success story (Ex: innovative solutions offered linked to Covid19 emergency, reconversion of production case, etc.)
In Aprii 2020, Camorak obtained the assignment of the "Cura Italia" Call far the conversion of the production of alcoholic sanitizing gel far the Covid 19 emergency and will shortly obtain the PMC authorization (Medicai Surgical Unit). Over the years Camorak received severa! awards, in terms of sustainability, from the Chamber of Commerce and Confindustria and it has also obtained eco-sustainable and organic certifications. Camorak guarantees its quality also on this very important product far health protection. The sanitizing action is ensured starting from a minimum percentage of 70% alcohol. Camorak has createci a farmulation, which in addition to the sanitizing action of 70% ethyl alcohol, combines the activity of the ozonated oil and rebalances the hydrolipidic film of epidermal protection, attacked by the same alcohol and detergents in general.
Collaboration's fields of interest
Please specify the kind of collaboration required
  • Sales
  • Representation agreements
  • Other
In reference to Project Purpose, are you mainly interested in:
  • Interested in finding new collaborations (such as joint ventures, manufacturing agreements)
  • Interested in showing best practice, initiatives
Main current foreign markets
Does the company currently operate on foreign markets?
